The 6-week "all clear" is just the beginning of returning to movement postpartum. Your core team undergoes significant changes during pregnancy to accommodate the growth of your baby. The abdominal muscles stretch and lengthen, the diaphragm shifts upward, and the pelvic floor and spinal muscles work to support these adaptations. Then, with a vaginal delivery, the pelvic floor stretches again and soft tissue injuries are common. With a C-section, the abdominal wall undergoes a significant surgery. Regardless of your delivery method, the core team does not return to pre-pregnancy levels 6 weeks later, it needs intentional rehabilitation to successfully return to exercise. Unfortunately, this rehabilitation is not yet the standard of postpartum care, like it is for sport and orthopedic injuries. This disparity is why so many women feel overwhelmed and confused when trying to navigate their healing alone. Let's change that!

-Dr. Chris

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How do I know when my body is ready to return to exercise postpartum?

Gather feedback! Watch this video for movements that you can do at home to gather feedback about your body.